Raising Coral Costa Rica and the Center for Research in Marine Sciences and Limnology
Brief description
Raising Coral Costa Rica (RCCR) trabaja de la mano con el Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR) y ha buscado desde el 2016 generar buenas bases científicas para la restauración de arrecifes del Pacífico costarricense. El primer proyecto piloto de RCCR fue en Golfo Dulce, donde se ha trabajado con las principales especies formadoras de arrecifes coralinos del Pacífico de Costa Rica y la región Pacífico Tropical Oriental (PTO): Pocillopora sp., Pavona sp., Porites sp., Psammocora sp. El trabajo ha sido exitoso, se identificaron técnicas para acelerar el crecimiento de los corales durante el periodo de cultivo en los viveros, se han identificado técnicas de trasplante que estimulan una rápida fusión entre las colonias de coral trasplantadas el arrecife y por ende que sean colonias más competitivas y con mayores probabilidades de sobrevivencia, además, se lograron establecer alianzas con empresas, organizaciones e instituciones locales que sin duda alguna, han asegurado el éxito a largo plazo del proyecto de restauración coralina en Golfo Dulce.
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Where we work
RCCR began its work in Golfo Dulce, South Pacific of Costa Rica and now it has begun to expand to the North Pacific and soon to the Costa Rican Caribbean.
Golfo Dulce, South Pacific
RCCR works with the main coral reef-forming species of the Eastern Tropical Pacific (PTO): Porites sp., Pavona sp., Pocillopora sp. and Psammocora stellata. Two techniques have been used so far for coral cultivation: (1) tree-shaped structures and (2) rope or clothesline structures. Micro-fragmentation and tree-like structures have been used for the cultivation of massive and encrusting corals. Due to the predation by Balistes polylepis, plastic meshes of 1cm2 of light beam were used to protect the fragments, such protection has eliminated the predation effect, but in turn has increased the maintenance and survival work of Porites sp., By what we continue working on improving some techniques. For branched-growth corals, both structures have been used, in tree-type nurseries the fragments have been hung individually and in clotheslines they have been placed between the ropes.
Important alliances have been created that have been key to the success of this coral restoration program in Golfo Dulce, including: Playa Nicuesa Lodge, Osa Conservación, Environmental Department of the National Coast Guard System (SNG), Golfito, Hotel Mar y Luna and of course the work hand in hand with the University of Costa Rica (UCR).
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Golfo Dulce, Pacífico Sur
RCCR trabaja con las principales especies formadoras de arrecifes coralinos del Pacífico Tropical Oriental (PTO): Porites sp., Pavona sp., Pocillopora sp. y Psammocora stellata. Para el cultivo de coral se han utilizado hasta el momento dos técnicas: (1) estructuras con forma de árbol y (2) estructura de cuerdas o tendederos. Para el cultivo de corales de crecimiento masivo e incrustante se ha utilizado la microfragmentación y las estructuras tipo árbol. Debido a la depredación por Balistes polylepis se utilizaron mallas de plástico de 1cm^2 de haz de luz para proteger los fragmentos, dicha protección ha eliminado el efecto de depredación, pero a su vez ha aumentado el trabajo de mantenimiento y sobrevivencia de Porites sp., por lo que seguimos trabajando en mejorar algunas técnicas. Para corales de crecimiento ramificado se han utilizado ambas estructuras, en los viveros tipo árbol se han colgado los fragmentos individualmente y en los tendederos se han colocado entre las cuerdas.
Se han creado importantes alianzas que han sido clave para el éxito de este programa de restauración coralina en Golfo Dulce, entre ellas: Playa Nicuesa Lodge, Osa Conservación, Departamento ambiental del Sistema Nacional de Guardacostas (SNG), Golfito, Hotel Mar y Luna y por supuesto que el trabajo de la mano con la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR).
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Culebra Bay, North Pacific
This initiative was born in early 2019 as a joint effort between the private company: the Pagayo Peninsula, the government: the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) through the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC), the academy: the UCR a through CIMAR and non-profit non-governmental organizations: German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and RCCR. The project carried out in this area focuses its effort on the main coral reef builder Pocillopora sp. The efficiency of two cultivation techniques is compared: tree nurseries and clotheslines. Different techniques for transplanting to the reef are also studied, both with direct moorings at the bottom and in spider-like structures.
National symbiosis
RCCR has set out to be a platform to generate a relationship between humans and corals, for which reason it has focused efforts on creating local capacity to assist work in coral nurseries, as well as participate in talks and workshops on marine education. In recent months the book called Los Corales Mágicos was published by the famous and well-known Costa Rican writer Lara Ríos, complemented by the beautiful work of Vicky Ramos. In addition, it actively participates in the new Coral Reef Council of the government of Costa Rica, in favor of better management and conservation of these ecosystems. In 2019, he established a relationship with the Pelagos collective, who created the documentary: Symbiosis, an audiovisual tool that has visualized the work of RCCR in the country, and has facilitated education on coral reefs and restoration.
RCCR's successful work has been largely due to important symbiosis (collaborations). At the moment we have received the support of: Costa Rican Association of Marine Aquarophilia, Heinz Award, Conservation International, Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo and its Adapta2 program.
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Culebra Bay, North Pacific
This initiative was born in early 2019 as a joint effort between the private company: the Pagayo Peninsula, the government: the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) through the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC), the academy: the UCR a through CIMAR and non-profit non-governmental organizations: German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and RCCR. The project carried out in this area focuses its effort on the main coral reef builder Pocillopora sp. The efficiency of two cultivation techniques is compared: tree nurseries and clotheslines. Different techniques for transplanting to the reef are also studied, both with direct moorings at the bottom and in spider-like structures.
National symbiosis
RCCR has set out to be a platform to generate a relationship between humans and corals, for which reason it has focused efforts on creating local capacity to assist work in coral nurseries, as well as participate in talks and workshops on marine education. In recent months the book called Los Corales Mágicos was published by the famous and well-known Costa Rican writer Lara Ríos, complemented by the beautiful work of Vicky Ramos. In addition, it actively participates in the new Coral Reef Council of the government of Costa Rica, in favor of better management and conservation of these ecosystems. In 2019, he established a relationship with the Pelagos collective, who created the documentary: Symbiosis, an audiovisual tool that has visualized the work of RCCR in the country, and has facilitated education on coral reefs and restoration.
RCCR's successful work has been largely due to important symbiosis (collaborations). At the moment we have received the support of: Costa Rican Association of Marine Aquarophilia, Heinz Award, Conservation International, Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo and its Adapta2 program.
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Simbiosis Nacional
El exitoso trabajo de RCCR ha sido en gran parte a las importantes simbiosis (colaboraciones). Al momento hemos recibido el apoyo de: Asociación Costarricense de Acuarofilia Marina, Heinz Award, Conservación Internacional, Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo mediante su programa Adapta2, CRUSA, Conservación Internacional, Hotel Playa Nicuesa Lodge, Osa Conservation & Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía, Departamento Ambiental de Guardacostas, Golfito.